Selasa, 24 Februari 2015

Spotlight: Smart Unlock bypasses the Android lockscreen security when you're connected to trusted networks and devices

Spotlight: Smart Unlock bypasses the Android lockscreen security when you're connected to trusted networks and devices

Developed by two XDA Community members, Smart Unlock does something really small that you may greatly appreciate. Basically, when your smartphone or tablet is connected to a trusted Wi-Fi network or Bluetooth device, it makes Android automatically bypass the lock screen security. It's logical - when you're safe at home, or in the car, you don't really have to get past swiping, patterns, pins, and all these precautions each time you reach for the screen! With Smart Unlock installed, and while in a trusted environment, pressing your device's power button takes you straight to the homescreen - no frills!

As the app is work in progress, the developers plan on adding BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) support to deal with the rising tide of smartwatches and smartbands. NFC connectivity and a manual lock button are in the cards, too.

Unfortunately, Samsung device owners won't be able to enjoy the app just now, as security features implemented by the vendor make it impossible to work. The developers are contemplating a Samsung edition of the app to get past that. Also, Clean Master, AcDisplay, and Llama are apps that break Smart Unlock, so you'll have to deal with that as well.

Smart Unlock has a 7-day trial version in the Google Play store, and XDA forum members can sideload an unlimited .apk version that supports up to three trusted devices. Source

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