Selasa, 24 Februari 2015

Living with the Apple iPhone 6: long-term review

Living with the Apple iPhone 6: long-term review
It’s been nearly four months since Apple released the iPhone 6 in September, and in the meantime one thing has become abundantly clear: the new iPhone is breaking sales records and is extremely well received. After the initial lines and short supply, the iPhone 6 is finally well-stocked and available for everyone to buy. What this means is that it is about time for a long-term review of Apple’s dearest.

I have been using the phone off-and-on for months now, but in the past month I've dedicating myself to four weeks of intense exploration of all of its hidden avenues. It's above all a personal journey: I have been put off by Apple's decision to stick with small screens prior to the iPhone 6, and in the past couple of years, my list of daily drivers consists of Android devices solely. A larger iPhone, however, calls for a deeper look back at Apple's ecosystem and all its different aspects.

In this iPhone 6 long-term review you'd find a summary of my most essential personal impressions from this four-week intensive exploration of Apple's latest flagship. Read on.

Design can make or break a product

The iPhone 6 is a result of the adamant focus and discipline that Apple has imposed on itself throughout the years. After spending a few months with Apple’s iPhone 6 darling, I can say that the new aluminum-body design has withstood the test of time and comes out as being very practical and good-looking at the same time. Multiple factors intertwine in a singular feeling of premium experience with the iPhone 6: the thinness of the phone makes it stand out (only the Sony Xperia Z3 comes close to the slim profile, all other phones seem terribly chubby in comparison), the exquisite color options and the extremely stylish gold version in particular make it very desirable, and the attention to all the little details is admirable (the well-crafted and responsive volume buttons, the presence of the useful mute switch, the lock key that is positioned conveniently right next to your thumb).

Apple’s reality distortion field is said to funny effects on people, but I can't say this widespread admiration is unjust: every time I pick up the iPhone 6 after using most any other phone, I felt wowed by the thinness and the sturdy design. I've felt in a similar way about few other devices in the past: the HTC One S was one such phone, and in most recent years, the HTC One (M8) has taken a special place in my heart also, but it's a place reserved for few phones, and the iPhone 6 seems to have found it. I've also found the aluminum of the iPhone 6’s back not as prone to scratches as on the 5s and earlier 5. I'd still prefer carrying the phone with an ultra-slim case when I know I'll be on the run and I am afraid it might slip out of my pocket, but I did find myself poaching it out of its case not once to have a more direct contact and appreciate its thinness. In those cases, I made sure I placed it in a pocket where it won’t mingle with keys and other pocket lint. After a month of intense use, the iPhone 6 still looks brand new, without a single scratch. Source

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