Minggu, 22 Februari 2015

People Sense allows Windows Phone users to find, navigate to, and communicate with their contacts

People Sense allows Windows Phone users to find, navigate to, and communicate with their contacts

Currently being tested in a private beta under the title "Buddy Aware," Microsoft's "People Sense" feature allows Windows Phone users to share their location in real time with their contacts. For example, a map with directions to a contact's location can be called up. Users can communicate with someone on their contact list by messaging or via a phone call, and there is integration with third party apps to help you make a connection.

The latest change to the program was made on February 17th which means that this is not some ancient program that you will never see in your lifetime. This is a current work-in-progress and new features will be added before People Sense makes it to the Windows Phone Store.

A video has been posted to social media that shows off some of the features of People Sense. This sounds like the perfect application for you social animals out there. Check out what the beta looks like by clicking on the video below. Source

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