Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

Apple or Samsung? Which one do you think will pull ahead with smartphone sales in 2015?

Apple or Samsung? Which one do you think will pull ahead with smartphone sales in 2015?

Lo and behold, it has happened - Apple and Samsung are literally tied for the title of the world's largest smartphone maker, selling about 74.5 million clever handsets each in the quarter that passed. This would have been unthinkable just a few months ago, as Apple has always been considered a somewhat of a niche, extremely profitable manufacturer that doesn't sell many models, but prices them in the premium segment.

Well, Apple continues to charge a $687 average selling price for its iPhones, but this time around it also sold a record amount of them, widening the net profit difference between the two companies to the unbearable $13 billion, as Samsung made about $5 billion in Q4, while the gang from Cupertino hauled home the record $18 billion - the highest quarterly profit in history ever.

The profit side of things is more or less clear, though, but the incredible catching-up that Apple did in one fell swoop to almost become the world's largest smartphone vendor is truly breathtaking. Some analysts, however, believe that this trend won't be sustainable as the interest in the new iPhones subsides in the next few quarters, and peg 2015 as actually the year of Samsung, and not only because of the Galaxy S6. They cite the thorough revamp of Samsung's design concept, with metal-clad handsets on the way, but also its competitive advantage of flexible displays paired with 14nm chipsets - something that no other company will be able to replicate this year.

This is why we wanted to ask you what do you think about this incredible turn of events - Samsung seemed invincible in terms of smartphone market share just a year or two ago, and now Apple is breathing down its neck, selling as many of the brainy handsets as Samsung did in the past quarter. Will the trend continue, and which one will come out on top this year in terms of smartphones moved? Take your side, and shout out in the comments. Source

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