Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

Steve Jobs 60th birthday remembered by Tim Cook

Steve Jobs' 60th birthday remembered by Tim Cook

Apple CEO Tim Cook took time out Tuesday during a trip to Germany, to remember what would have been Steve Jobs' 60th birthday. Cook sent out a tweet that read "Remembering Steve, who would have turned 60 today." Quoting the Apple co-founder, Cook wrote "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." A picture of Jobs was added to the bottom of the tweet.

Apple's current CEO is visiting German tabloid Bild, which is known for its nude covers. Rival paper Der Spiegel calls it "a daily dose of high-resolution soft porn." It is unclear what kind of business Apple has with Bild. Cook is believed to be on his way to Israel to introduce a new R&D center that Apple has built in the country. It will reportedly house 1000 workers who came to Apple via the acquisitions of flash memory manufacturer Anobit  and motion sensing firm PrimeSense.

Jobs died on October 5th, 2011 after losing a battle with pancreatic cancer. He was born on February 24th, 1955. Apple was officially created on April 1st 1976 and went public on December 12th, 1980 creating 300 millionaires. That is a record for an IPO that still stands today. His estate remains the largest stockholder of Disney, obtained in the entertainment company's purchase of Pixar.  Source

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