Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

Operas App Pass lets smartphone users in emerging markets use apps with free or discounted data

Opera's App Pass lets smartphone users in emerging markets use apps with free or discounted data

Inside a bid to expand the usage of apps in emerging markets, Opera has develop App Pass. Using the latter, carriers can offer special deals to its subscribers that will permit them to be able to access certain apps at no cost or for any reduced cost. App Pass works with Opera Max, a browser that uses video and data compression in an effort to save users around 50% from the data normally had the need to open and run an app.

Opera says that phone manufacturers like Samsung and Micromax have agreed to pre-load App Give upcoming models. Once a phone's user opens any app, he sees special deals presented from the carrier. App Pass will benefit those in emerging markets who would not normally have the ability to download certain apps due to the data needed to run them. It benefits Opera as its browsers get a lot more use in emerging markets. And additionally provides an chance of carriers to sell advertising.

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